

Arrange for a detailed in-house presentation of these studies.

Additional information can be obtained from these PDF downloads:

Read and print the Wilcox Regional Studies brochure.

Wilcox Zapata base map (736 k) shows the well distribution and cross section locations.

Sample well logs from the Wilcox Zapata Study show which parts of the column were interpreted for this study: updip well (654 k) , middip well (879 k) , downdip well 397 k).

Wilcox Bee-Goliad-Victoria base map (915 k) shows the well distribution and cross section locations.

Sample well logs from the Bee-Goliad-Victoria Study show which parts of the column were interpreted for this study:Goliad County – updip (506 k) , Bee County (206 k) , Goliad County – middip (490 k) , Victoria County (309 k) .