Sand Prediction Models for the Gulf Coast Subsurface
This section is dedicated to several models for the Gulf Coast Subsurface that I have developed over the years, in the course of conducting regional geologic studies. The published sources are also described in this site. Smaller images can be enlarged by clicking on them.
This first model describes some important features of the retrograde failed shelf margin. It was published in the GCAGS Transactions for 2000, and also available on search and discovery.
This model describes deltaic growth faulted shelf margins when they are prograding. It was published in the AAPG in 1981 and is based on regional studies of the Wilcox in South Texas.
This model was derived from study of the Yegua and was published in 1991 in the GCAGS Transactions. It describes the complex fill resulting from shelf margin retrogradation, growth faulting, sea level changes and salt movement.
This model shows several relationships that were observed in a study of the Lower Miocene from SW Louisiana. It was published in the GCAGs Transactions in 1994.
This model illustrates facies changes that are inferred from the study of the Frio in the middle Texas Gulf Coast. This model was described in publications from 1986 (HGS Bulletin) and 1995 (IAS SP 22).